Outperform your business goals

As an owner of a growth marketing agency, I spent a lot of my time consulting individuals and companies from numerous business niches and helping them in their struggles in today’s market.

This includes creating pricing strategies, market positioning, going international, shaping their company culture, and making them realize the real value they provide to their clients.

By supporting them every step of the way, I am deeply invested in their everyday challenges, struggles and professional crossroads. While providing professional consultation to my clients and colleagues in creative industries, I am continuously helping them make better business choices and finally start charging what they are worth.


Join me for 20 minutes of networking, good coffee, and bad jokes.

Let´s see how we can help and support each other.

Training - for creative agencies

Private training tailored for creative companies which want to strenghten company culture.


A dedicated two-day workshop will help you focus on providing your Know-How, your experience, support, and, most importantly – results, instead of just billable hours.


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The story behind

...and the consulting journey started
After ten years of being a business consultant for clients in over 40 niches, the decision to create a centralized place for other consultants to offer their services finally came, and I am very proud to present MAOIO CONSULTING.
Very different approach
In 15 years of professional experience, I have worked with hundreds of clients - from small business owners to multimillion companies in over 40 business niches.

I always had a different approach and never really saw myself as a service provider - with every new client, I took a consulting role and aimed to give my clients and partners extra value through advice based on my own experience.
"The Consultant switch"
After helping dozens of them reach and often even surpass their business and financial goals, I realized I can really make a difference and support their growth by investing my knowledge, expertise, experience and time.

Some of them jokingly say that I have a "consultant switch" that lights up when I see an opportunity to help and solve a problem. When I realized how much value I can bring to my clients and partners, my consultancy journey began.
Close high-ticket deals
Today I spend most of my time being a consultant for other digital, PR, marketing and creative agencies, IT companies, software development agencies, design studios, and freelancers.

My biggest achievement is helping them realize what their biggest assets - their knowledge, expertise and time - are actually worth, and I make sure their market strategy is supporting their goals.

By helping them organize their business structure, build proper pricing strategies and learn how to close high-ticket deals, I am making sure their resources are perfectly optimized and their processes are aligned with business and financial goals.
Consulting ecosystem
The initial goal was to create a centralized place for my own consulting services; however, I saw an excellent opportunity to build a platform for all my partners to offer their professional consultation services.

The additional trigger behind that decision was a daily struggle that I regularly encounter - most of the consultants struggle with finding a uniformed way of offering their services. That is the whole story behind MAOIO Consulting's ecosystem.

Client testimonials

Filip will most certainly strike you with his positive attitude and you won’t be sure if is he faking the whole thing or it’s real.

Then you’ll see that he is actually trying to keep it low because he is, in fact, one human bomb of positive energy!

Long story short, if you’re real and ready to have a steady business partner then you don’t need to look any further.

Just put Filip in your driver seat and enjoy the ride.

Luka Martić
Key Account Manager at

What can I say about Filip: strategic and intelligent businessman, hard-working, caring, helpful, selfless and the list goes on.

Over the past few months, I’ve been honoured to develop a great working relationship and friendship with Filip.

His business is amazing at what they do in the digital space and he has always been willing to offer any assistance that my clients or I need.

I’d recommended Filip for anyone requiring professional consulting.

Jason Hofley
Business Development Manager at

Filip is a guy who underpromises and over-delivers.

He became one of the key strategic partners for my business Unity Method in 2020.

With his support and connections, I managed to get several clients in a short time.

His integrity, transparency, direct communication and desire to help is something you do not see so often.

Building a successful agency business and still staying humble is something I highly appreciate in him.

He has my full endorsement for any kind of professional cooperation.

Marko Pavičić
CEO at

Filip is a creative “like there is no box” thinker, knowledgeable and organized, which is a combination that is rare and probably the main cause behind his success.

If you add a good sense of humour and empathy you can imagine, that it is a pleasure to work with.

Having him on the team is like a valuable secret weapon and consulting asset to result in improvement, so anyone not trying is at loss…

Mato Gatnik
Exponential Mentor at

Filip is hardworking, dependable and reliable person.

He’s a great consultant with high personal skills.

Filip is a person I would recommend every day, to anyone because of his way of thinking and problem-solving skills.

Maja Bosanac
CEO at

Filip has provided me with great value with his consultancy. It’s so comfortable to be around him and what’s even more important he always has the right answer to all my doubts about running a business. He is always ready to help and he really does care about the success of other people.

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Marina Rabak
Owner at

Filip and I have developed a great mentorship relationship and business relationship; I can attest to the passion that he has to help others and provide value!

We work together now in UBN group and he has spearheaded our efforts to help connect people from all parts of the world and open the doors to new opportunities in the global marketplace.

I value our relationship and look forward to more great ventures together. I also recommend him for his marketing expertise and business insight.

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Giovanni Rodriguez
CEO at

I took one-time consulting services from Filip regarding the launch of the marketplace platform in the domestic and foreign markets. I have only words of praise, Filip has helped me in many segments with his advice and experience and offered a number of valuable contacts (accountants, video production, potential collaborators) that I will need in the future for my business.

I got valuable advice on choosing a payment gateway for my platform where we considered the best option for my use case, we covered invoicing and fiscalization, work-flow transactions on the marketplace, minimum legal frameworks as an overture for legal professionals, and his personal impressions and advice on the project, as well as the possibilities of getting a loan, and a series of small tips on running a business.

I advise anyone who is not sure where to start, as well as those who already have an idea, but want additional consultations, to contact Filip and his agency with confidence.

Also, in addition to information about the user, with him in the office you will feel relaxed as if you sat down to talk to a friend who is full of professional information.

I plan to consult and cooperate with Filip in the future as well. Thumbs up!

Lucian Tutunović
Owner at

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