Consultant´s case studies – nomina sunt odiosa


Consultants often struggle with sharing their results through case studies, being driven with the wrong premise that every case study needs to have its client’s name.

The fact is that consultants are often people in the shadow, creating excellent results and gain value for their partners/clients/customers, and all information they handle is highly confidential. The same stands for the client’s names, especially if that is the nature of that business relationship, often defined through a detailed NDA agreement.

Consultants are mostly getting their clients via strong connections and direct referral. As the consultant, you don’t need to disclose your client’s information to present the case study.

Share your results, and those people who understand that, who are ready to enter business cooperation with you, won’t have that seed of doubt in the first place. Don’t allow the client’s “own deficit” to impact your position and how you feel about yourself.

Suspicious minds will always be suspicious minds. Don’t play their game. Your results speak for themselves. If they want to see results, your clients need to be prepared to transfer “the power”.

The power here means giving you free rein, autonomy and support for all necessary actions.


Filip Zolota